Our team: The experts behind FLUIDON

Our competence and expertise serve the successful realisation of customer projects.

We enjoy varied tasks with challenging questions.
The desire to solve problems drives us to persistently search for solutions and to systematically implement them together with our customers.

Every working day, we deepen our understanding and can thus help our customers to develop more efficient products or innovative functions.

Challenge us. We would be pleased to get to know your fluid power & mechatronic system.

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Dr.-Ing. Heiko Baum
Managing Director

"Fluid power systems are more than the sum of their parts. Only a holistic view leads to the system behaviour desired by the customer."

Fields of activity:
  • Optimisation of pipe networks
  • Flow/pressure ripples & acoustics
  • Dynamic system behaviour

Dr.-Ing. Benedikt Müller
Company Management

"Our goal as the FLUIDON team is to develop reliable, custom-fit and on-time solutions for our customers in order to provide them with competitive advantages."

Fields of activity:
  • Automotive Engineering
  • Mobile Hydraulics
  • Control Engineering

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Oliver Breuer
Head of Software Engineering

„Developing software for engineers is about giving them intuitive tools to meet the challenges of an increasingly digital world.“

Fields of activity:
  • Simulation Software
  • Application Software
  • Hardware Integration

Dipl.-Ing. Benjamin Erzberger
Senior Project Engineer

"There is always a way to solve fluid power challenges in a customer-sensitive way with both competence and humour."

Fields of activity:
  • Lifting and hoisting
  • Counterbalance valves
  • Fluid power and simulation support

Roland Semrau
Senior Software Developer

"Intelligently developed software is intuitive and adapts to user needs."
Fields of activity:
  • Application Software
  • System Software
  • Interfaces

Micha Koebele, M. Sc.
Project Engineer

"We are working on practical applications of fluid system simulation to provide engineers with valuable insights into their systems."

Fields of activity:
  • Fluid Power Simulation
  • Industry 4.0
  • Project Fluid 4.0

Martin Ruhland
Software Developer

"We develop practical applications that make complex issues easy to understand in order to provide engineers with valuable tools."

Fields of activity:
  • Application Software
  • System Software
  • Interfaces

Daniel Kempf
Software Developer

"Computers are there to make our work easier, so we should make the best use of this powerful tool."

Fields of activity:
  • Application Software
  • System Software
  • Interfaces
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