DSHplus Program Training

Our range of training courses is geared to the needs of the user. For the efficient use of DSHplus, we therefore offer both introductory and special application training courses. These workshops can be held at your site, at our site or online. Appointments are arranged individually.

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Self-Study Tutorials

With the goal of providing users with a quick introduction to DSHplus program operation, FLUIDON has created self-study videos.

DSHplus Tutorial Getting Started

This tutorial is intended as a quick guide to help build a simulation model of a simple hydraulic cylinder actuator with position control.

In addition to the tutorial, the finished model of the hydraulic cylinder actuator is supplied as a demo model with the DSHplus installation. A short description of the model can be found in the DSHplus program help.

Based on the simple hydraulic cylinder drive, the DSHplus program help describes the application example "Resistance control with constant pressure system".
The focus is on the practical example of calculating the component parameters of the simulation model from the manufacturers' data sheets.

At the end of the practical example, however, the user should not only be able to determine the component parameters. Rather, he should also be able to understand why certain component sizes are selected in the course of the practical example and how this selection affects the selection of the other components.
The practical example is limited to the consideration of the four essential components cylinder, pump, proportional directional control valve and pressure relief valve (PRV), which are required for a conversion of the hydraulic axis into a numerical simulation model.

DSHplus Getting Professional - Part I: Favourite parameters and freeze result curves

Topics are:

  • Define favorite parameters
  • Edit favorite parameters
  • Freeze curves as reference result
  • Compare new and frozen results
  • Create an HTML report about the result

DSHplus Getting Professional - Part II: Batch simulation and HTML report

Topics are:

  • Preparing multiple parameter configurations
  • Configuring a batch simulation
  • Running a batch simulation
  • Generating an HTML report with multiple results
  • Navigating through a multi-page HTML report

DSHplus Getting Professional - Part III: Global parameters, cursor and zoom in online graphics

 Topics are:

  • Global parameters
  • PRV setting via global parameters
  • Cursor in the online graphic
  • Zoom in the online graphic

DSHplus Getting Professional - Part IV: Global parameters and working with parametric equations

Topics are:

  • Global parameters
  • Steady states by assigning initial parameter values
  • Equations for the calculation of steady-states values
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